Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mixtape 3512: Summer of '97 - Art of the mixtape

Growing up DJing meant mixtapes... lots of mixtapes.  At some point in my life i started numbering them... to be honest I didn't start at mixtape #1.  I think I did some rough math and started in the neighborhood of 3200.  

I used to pump out mixtapes like at least one a week... this is when mixtapes were actually on tape (yeah, like as in a cassette.) You had two 45 minute sides of blank canvas to work with and you pretty much only got one shot..  more advanced mixtape artists (such as your boy jesse) could work the 'punch-in' pretty well in the later years, but you pretty much tried to do it all in one rip.

For some reason I decided to go all out for mixtape 3512...  original beats, guest appearance talksets and some songs that were remixed special for this one tape.  It ended up being one of the more refined and well-crafted mixtapes that I had put together..  I must have made at least 30 copies to send out to friends (who remembers high speed dubbing?)

I've got to thank fresh for ripping this one.  The digital era has definitely changed the art of the mixtape into something a little more accessible (however in my opinion unfortunately less personal.)  Hope you like it:

mixtape 3512

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